There has never been a better time to be a Witch!

Kelly Boyer

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Angelic Channel, Multidimensional Seer, & Alchemist

Kelly Boyer is an Angelic Channel, Multidimensional Seer & Alchemist. She assists clients worldwide through Intuitive Insight to support individuals in trauma and mental health recovery by helping them understand the mind-body connection to reach their recovery goals.
Having several Psychology and Human Development degrees, Kelly is a certified Energy healer, Integrative Somatic Parts Work Practitioner and Hypnotist. Using a variety of fields and disciplines, she shares information through a mixture of science (psychology, neuroanatomy, and quantum physics), angelic offerings, and energy work to help clients achieve the healing they most deserve.
Kelly works with the client’s higher self & soul, the Angelic Realm, and other higher Multidimensional Beings to fabricate a safe and loving space where clients take part in their own self-discovery of innate ways of healing. The Angels work through Kelly to alchemize and transmute energetic frequencies to recreate new realities within the human container to bring the client’s mind, body, and ego back to optimal health for Soul Retrieval & Unification